Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Stammtisch = regulars' table. This can be like a happy hour gathering on a regular basis or some other get together of a group of people which occurs regularly. A week ago, Angela and I went with Elsa and Josef to a local Stammtisch. It is held once a month at a local restaurant which is out in the boonies. You wouldn't stumble across this place by accident. Josef is an accomplished musician. He plays the clarinet, Styrian harmonica (like an accordion), guitar, piano, directs the school band and sings. He knows just about every Austrian folk songs out there. This Stammtisch is a gathering of locals who want to play and sing folk songs. We arrive early and get some food to eat. The others begin to trickle in. Upon entering the restaurant, they make the rounds greeting every single person individually. This is a custom we're beginning to get used to but it still surprises us sometimes. For the next half hour we greet the 30 others who join us. We also begin to notice Josef's local celebrity status. His music has made him quite the guy in this area. Things settle down and song books are passed out. A few start playing and singing their favorite folk song to get things started. There is no leader or specific order. The musicians just get up and play as they please. We are the only ones in attendance under the age of 50 and the only ones from outside a 20 mile radius. Josef plays in a trio, he on clarinet, another on the Styrian harmonica and the third on a trombone looking instrument. For the next couple hours, we sing and socialize with the locals, soaking in the authentic experience. You wouldn't find this at your cafe down the street in Vienna.

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